Creative Arts, Academics, School of Liberal Arts

Saints Around the World: Prague, Czech Republic

Katrina David '25 wanted to study abroad, somewhere, anywhere, but convincing her mom was the challenge. Katrina's mom had reservations about her daughter traveling, alone, to parts unknown. But when Katrina saw Prague near the top of a particular list, everything fell into place.
School of Business, Economics

Women in Business Society

Women have made significant strides in the business arena in recent decades, but there is ground to make up.

Every Student Has a Story: September Mostransky '25

September Mostransky '25 (above, 2nd from left) knew which college she would never attend (Siena) and what she wouldn't do there anyway (cheer). Nothing would change her mind. Except maybe a pandemic...
health studies, School of Science, Mathematics

A Race to Find Meaning Hidden in the Data

It’s fun, it’s competitive, and it’s a great opportunity to learn to work with real-world data. DataFest is a nationwide event sponsored by the American Statistical Association; Siena is one of almost 100 colleges and universities that take part in a weekend of data hacking.

Seeking First and Old Growth in the Catskills

Two Siena environmental studies and sciences students and their professor have received funding from the Catskill Science Collaborative to study primeval forests in the region, with variety of scientific goals.
health studies, School of Science

Men's Mental health: There are No Lone Wolves

Suck it up. Go for a workout. Keep it to yourself. The narrative around men’s mental health needs to change. Everyone goes through tough times, and ignoring pain and keeping things inside won’t make problems go away.

2024 MLK Lecture Cancelled

Tonight's Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King Lecture Series on Nonviolent Social Change has been unexpectedly cancelled.
Creative Arts, School of Liberal Arts

A Maze-ing

If the person who created a work of art has done a terrible thing, does that make the work of art terrible as well?
Career and Internship Center, Internships

The Intern Journal: Best Buddies New York

Trinity Hogben '24 remembers the day she met Meg. It was 7th grade gym class. Trinity and her classmates were playing some kind of game on one side of a curtain, and that's when she spotted Meg, by herself except for her aide, on the other side.