
Not-Your-Average Spring Break Ideas

No plans for your upcoming spring break? No matter if you're a junior or senior in high school, our admissions team has a few ideas that are fun, affordable and perhaps most important, safe. (We promise: only one has to do with the college-search process!)

What Saints Love About Siena's Library

Wherever you choose to attend college, you'll no doubt spend a lot of your time in the library. That's why it's a prime spot to remember on campus visits, and something you should ask students about whenever you have the chance. What you're looking for: great work spaces, nice views, long hours and let's be honest...cozy couches don't hurt! Here's what a few Siena students love about Standish Library. 

What Not To Do After You Get Your Acceptance Letters

Received some great news in the mail lately? There's nothing like reading "congratulations on your acceptance" to put you into a long-lasting state of bliss. Enjoy those exciting moments! Just be sure that, in the days and weeks that follow, you keep your head in the college game and be smart about your next moves.

Why Liberal Arts Majors Excel At Digital Companies

As you probably already know, Siena is a liberal arts college at its core. Yes, we offer courses on coding, on programming and how to analyze data. (In fact, we have countless successful graduates whose technological skills have led them to very lucrative careers.) But as important as technology is to us, we will never stop promoting the importance of a liberal arts-based education.

Should You Apply To ONE More College? How To Decide

Once you've submitted applications for all the colleges on your list, like many students, you may find yourself wondering: "Should I apply to just ONE more? Just in case?" The common recommendation is to apply to five to eight colleges, but if that question is on your mind, it can be tough to abide by that rule of thumb.

Q&A With Dr. Naranch On Women's History Month & More

Did you know that at Siena, all courses are faculty-taught? No TAs, no grad students. Here, you'll be learning from professors with impressive credentials, who all happen to be incredible and inspiring people, too. Why not kick off a new Q&A series on the blog where you can learn more about them? In honor of Women's History Month, we're starting off with Dr. Laurie Naranch.

Five Reasons to Choose Siena By...An Exploring Business Student

Interested in business, but not quite ready to declare a major? No rush! At Siena, you can enter as undecided in our AACSB-accredited School of Business—actually, you'd officially be called an Exploring Business student—and have plenty of time to discover which facet of business you belong in. That's what freshman Emma McDonald chose to do.

Ten Scholarships You Can Still Apply For

Whether you represent a particular geographic region, are involved in an inspiring cause or tower over your friends in height, we've compiled a list of ten scholarships you may have never heard of, but are totally eligible for. And if you start now, you'll still have plenty of time to apply before the deadlines.

Download Our College Fair Checklist

College fairs are the only place where you can hold casual conversations with admissions reps from all over the country, all in one day. When it comes to collecting as much information as possible and impressing the reps, you'll want to be prepared. If you're asking yourself, "Where do I begin?" The answer is right here, with our complimentary checklist.