Policy Title Student Internal Complaint Policy
Type or category of Policy:  
Approval Authority:  
Responsible Executive:  
Responsible Office: Student Life
Owner Contact:  
Reviewed By:  
Reviewed Date: Updated April 2017
Last Revised and Effective Date of Revision:  

This policy serves as a guide for students who wish to file a complaint about any aspect of Siena’s operations/policies/procedures. Additionally, a student may utilize this process to file a complaint against any employee of the College (e.g. faculty member, administrator, staff member) or any visitor, volunteer or contractor. A student may choose to pursue the internal complaint either through an informal or formal process. The College does not accept internal complaints by non- students.

Students uncertain about how to proceed may consult the Associate Vice President of Student Life who shall identify the appropriate contact person. The student may also seek support from a Human Resources representative, who may act as an ombudsman to facilitate and/or mediate the process.

If the complaint involves an incident of sexual misconduct or discriminatory based harassment, then the person to whom the student reported the complaint must refer the complaint to the Title IX Coordinator/Equal Opportunity Specialist to be reviewed under Siena College’s Discrimination and Harassment Policy or Sexual Misconduct Policy. If the Title IX Coordinator/Equal Opportunity Specialist determines that the College’s Discrimination and Harassment Policy or Sexual Misconduct Policy does not apply, the complaint shall be referred back to the supervisor or administrator receiving the complaint. If the complaint involves an assigned grade, the student should refer to the procedures for “Appeal of Assigned Grades” in the College Catalog.

In all instances, a student must be assured that no adverse action will be taken against the student for making a complaint. However, if a student intentionally furnishes false information, they may be referred to the Dean of Students office.

  1. Informal Resolution:
    • a. Students wishing to pursue an internal complaint informally shall first contact and meet with either the supervisor of the individual or administrator responsible for the operation/policy/procedure. This is usually the Director/Department Head or Academic Dean. They will informally investigate the complaint, normally within seven to ten business days, and meet with the respondent to provide a letter of finding. The student may also request that the matter be resolved later, for example, after they have completed a course.
    • b. If the supervisor or administrator finds that the complaint is justified, the supervisor or administrator will address the situation and, if applicable, see that it is corrected pursuant to the applicable procedure. Any corrective or disciplinary action for respondents will be made in consultation with the Office of Human Resources. The supervisor or administrator may also determine that the complaint is unfounded.
    • c. With either outcome, the supervisor or administrator will meet with the student and inform them of the result, to the extent possible, keeping in mind that employee disciplinary matters are confidential.
    • d. If either the respondent or student is not satisfied with the informal resolution, either party may end the informal resolution process and the internal complaint will be resolved through the formal process.
  2. Formal Resolution:
    • a. Filing of a Written Complaint: The formal complaint must be filed in writing with either the supervisor of the individual or administrator responsible for the operation/policy/procedure. This is usually the Director/Department Head or Academic Department Chair.
    • b. In their written complaint, the complainant must include the following:
      • i.  A description of the facts supporting their complaint
      • ii  Any supporting documentation/evidence
      • iii.  A description of the redress being sought
      • iv. The name, contact information and signature of the student initiating the complaint
    • c. The supervisor or administrator will investigate the incident, normally within seven to ten business days, and meet with the respondent to provide a letter of finding. The student may also request that the matter be resolved later, for example, after they have completed a course
    • d. If the supervisor or administrator finds that the complaint is justified, the supervisor or administrator will address the situation and, if applicable, see that it is corrected pursuant to the applicable procedure. Any corrective or disciplinary action for respondents will be made in consultation with the Office of Human Resources. The supervisor or administrator may also determine that the complaint is unfounded.
    • . With either outcome, the supervisor or administrator will meet with the student and inform them in writing of the findings, keeping in mind that employee disciplinary matters are confidential.
  3. Student Appeal:
    • a. Students have five business days from the date of the letter of finding to submit an appeal to the investigating supervisor or administrator’s supervisor. This is usually an Assistant/Associate Vice President or Vice President.
    • b. All appeals must be in writing, submitted by the student, and must specify the grounds for the appeal. The College does not accept appeals submitted by others (including parents and attorneys on behalf of a student); the student must file their own appeal.
    • c. The student will be notified in writing of the decision within seven business days, keeping in mind that employee disciplinary matters are confidential. The appeal decision is final.
  4. Respondent Appeal:
    • a. A respondent has five business days from the date of the letter of finding to submit an appeal to the investigating supervisor or administrator’s supervisor. This is usually the Assistant/Associate Vice President or Vice President.
    • b. All appeals must be in writing and must specify the grounds for the appeal.
    • c. If an applicable appellate review process applies, such process shall be followed. Otherwise, appellate review shall be provided in consultation with the Office of Human Resources. The supervisor will meet with the respondent to provide written notification of the decision within seven business days. Any corrective or disciplinary action for respondents will be made in consultation with the Office of Human Resources. The appeal decision is final.
  5. All documentation regarding a complaint against an individual employee and the resolution will be forwarded and stored in the Office of Human Resources.
  6. The College reserves the right to extend the timelines set forth above if it determines that circumstances warrant such extension.
  7. If a circumstance occurs in which the parameters of this policy do not apply (e.g. an appeal to a direct report of a Vice President) a Human Resources representative will designate an individual to resolve the complaint.