
Hoping to secure an on-campus, part-time paid gig while you're at college as part of your financial aid package? If Siena is where you end up, good news: we offer quite a range of opportunities on campus that our students really enjoy. 

You could...

1. Snag a position in the Student Activities and Leadership Development office. This is a great place for anyone interested in pursuing a career in this type of work. You'll collaborate closely with administration on various hands-on tasks; marketing or creative arts students, for example, have the chance to create ads and work on digital media.  

2. Join the Office of Community Living team. Every year, Residence Directors hire student workers to help out in each hall office. Some opportunities for those students include writing for their residence hall's newspaper, gaining new technology skills by creating advertisements and assisting with office projects and tasks (like responding to student questions and concerns). 

3. Lend a hand at the Siena College Research Institute (SRI). Especially great for political science students who would like to conduct polling, a position at the SRI would entail working on social and cultural polls, public opinion polls, focus groups, political polls and more.

4. Work with the Marketing and Communications Office. Thinking about a career in marketing? Get your first taste here, where you'll collaborate with campus departments, faculty, staff, alumni and other students by assisting with campus photography, social media and writing.

5. Help out in the Student Success and Academic Advising Office (the "Nexus of Success") at Siena. Want to add "detail-oriented" to your list of skills? In this office, you have to be. Here, you'll help new students with anything from scheduling their courses to getting set for exams—another role that would be great if you're intrigued by this kind of career. 

6. Make your mark in the library. Students who work in Standish are responsible for a variety of tasks, all the while fine-tuning their administrative, research and people skills.

That's just a sampling, but the most important thing you should know (which you probably gathered already!) is that here, work-study positions aren't all just sit-here-and-swipe-a-card roles. We try to offer plenty of opportunities that double as legitimate hands-on work experience worthy of a spot on your resume. Now that's just as valuable as the pay.

Questions? Contact us for more details!