Commitment to Sustainability and Ecological Conversion

Whereas, the existential environmental crisis facing our planet demands urgent and concerted action from all sectors of society, including educational institutions; and 

Whereas, the teachings of St. Francis of Assisi, as reflected in the "Canticle of the Creatures," and Pope Francis, as articulated in "Laudato Si’," call for a deep respect for and interconnectedness with all of creation; and

Whereas, the College has formed the Siena Go Green Alliance consisting of the Laudato Si’ Center for Integral Ecology, The Academic Center for Sustainability and the Sustainability Council to develop comprehensive solutions to building a more sustainable future; and

Whereas, this vision to become leaders in integral ecology and sustainability, emphasizing the need for ecological conversion, is strongly supported by members of the Association of Franciscan Colleges and Universities; and

Whereas, Siena College is committed to embodying the values of its Franciscan heritage by fostering a community that is aware of and actively engaged in addressing environmental challenges; and

Whereas, it is essential for the College to achieve long-term financial sustainability and to ensure that initiatives related to sustainability and ecological conversion demonstrate a clear return on investment or are supported primarily through external funding.

Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved, that the Siena Board of Trustees hereby declares its unwavering support for initiatives aimed at deepening the understanding of and response to the environmental crisis through education, action, and advocacy, and

Be It Further Resolved, that Siena College shall strive to become a center of excellence in sustainability and integral ecology, integrating these principles across curricular and extracurricular activities, campus operations, and community and global engagement, and

Be It Further Resolved, that the Siena community is hereby invited to engage in a process of ecological conversion, inspired by the vision of interconnectedness and responsibility towards our common home, as laid out by St. Francis and Pope Francis, and

Be It Further Resolved, that this resolution shall guide the development and implementation of sustainability policies, practices, and programs at Siena College, ensuring that the College contributes positively to environmental stewardship and sustainability in a financially responsible manner, and

Be It Finally Resolved, that the Siena Board of Trustees commits to supporting, both morally and materially, the College's efforts to achieve these goals, recognizing that our collective action is essential for fostering a sustainable future for all.

Adopted this 22 date of March 2024 by the Siena Board of Trustees.