Policy Title Hazing Policy
Type or category of Policy:  
Approval Authority:  
Responsible Executive: Vice President for Student Life
Responsible Office: Student Life
Owner Contact:  
Reviewed By:  
Reviewed Date:  
Last Revised and Effective Date of Revision:  

A. New York State Law and Siena College policy prohibit hazing. New York State Penal Law provides as follows:

  1. 120.17 Hazing in the first degree: A person is guilty of hazing in the first degree when in the course of another person’s initiation into or affiliation with any organization, he intentionally or recklessly engages in conduct which creates a substantial risk of physical injury to such other person or a third person and thereby causes such injury. Hazing in the first degree is a Class A misdemeanor. (Note: punishable by up to one (1) year imprisonment or fine up to $1,000 or both).
  2. 120.18 Hazing in the second degree: A person is guilty of hazing in the second degree when in the course of another person’s initiation or affiliation with any organization, he intentionally or recklessly engages in conduct which creates a substantial risk of physical injury to such other person or a third person. Hazing in the second degree is a violation. (Note: punishable by up to 15 days imprisonment or fine up to $250 or both).

B. In addition, Siena College considers hazing as any action or situation created by an individual, group, organization or athletic team, intentionally or unintentionally, whether on or off College premises, to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, ridicules, or in any way demean the dignity of another human being.
Examples may include, but are not limited to, the following: forced consumption of alcohol; paddling in any form; creation of excess fatigue; “kidnapping”; physical and/or psychological shock; engaging in public stunts, morally degrading or humiliating games; forcing or encouraging someone to wear signs with inappropriate language/slogans; forcing or encouraging someone to sing lewd songs; shaving of heads; and any other activities or behavior inconsistent with the law and/or College policies.

C. No individual or group may haze another at any time including as it relates to initiation into or the affiliation with any organization, group or athletic team. Initiations, however explained, or activities that imply, force, encourage, condone or allow students to misuse alcohol or other drugs, or violate the law, or commit unethical, immoral or inappropriate behavior are forbidden. The planning or preparation to engage in hazing activity is also a violation of this policy.

D. Hazing of any kind is strictly prohibited by the College and subject to sanction.
All members of the College community are expected to report to College officials activity of any kind of which they have knowledge or information.

  • Reports of hazing can be made to the Vice President for Student Life, Associate Vice President for Student Life/Dean of Students, Senior Associate Dean of Students, Assistant Dean of Students, Director of Public Safety, Director of Athletics, or Director of Student Activities and Leadership Development.
  • Upon investigation, the matter may be referred to the vice president for student life for adjudication through the College’s established student conduct review procedures.
  • In addition, the matter may be referred to outside law enforcement agencies.

E. Members, prospective members or participants who fail to report an act or contemplated act of hazing of which they have knowledge or information may also be found in violation of this policy.

  • If an individual student faces a charge of violating this policy, the matter will be referred to the College’s student conduct review procedures and, if found responsible, they will be subject to the full range of sanctions, which may include expulsion from the College.

F. If a College-recognized organization (e.g., a club) faces a charge of violating this policy, it will be charged as an individual would be under such procedures, and sanctions will be determined at the discretion of the College. Sanctions may include the loss or suspension of college recognition and/or re-recognition on certain conditions, in addition to the charges and sanctions directed to individual members.

G. If members of a College-sponsored activity or program (e.g., an athletic team) are charged and found responsible for violating this policy through the student conduct review procedures, the College will impose appropriate sanctions, which may include, but are not limited to, the full range of student status sanctions (including expulsion), removal or suspension from the program, forfeiture of games or limitation of activities, and/or other sanctions as deemed appropriate by the College.

It is the right of every Siena student to be free from the humiliation and danger of hazing.
Hazing does not build strong organizations, teams, groups or tradition. Rather, it is a means of abuse and humiliation.

To express concerns or complaints about hazing, or questions about this policy, contact the Vice President for Student Life, Associate Vice President for Student Life/Dean of Students, Senior Associate Dean of Students, Assistant Dean of Students, Director of Public Safety, Director of Athletics or Director of Student Activities and Leadership Development.