Policy Title Food Allergy Policy and Accommodations for Students
Type or category of Policy:  
Approval Authority:  
Responsible Executive:  
Responsible Office: Student Life
Owner Contact:  
Reviewed By:  
Reviewed Date:  
Last Revised and Effective Date of Revision:  
A. Introduction:

The purpose of this policy is to alert the Siena College community to the existence of food allergies and safety precautions; notify students of the measures available to accommodate food allergies; and promote safety by increasing awareness of personal responsibilities to manage food allergies.

If an individual has been diagnosed by a physician with a life threatening food allergy, this may constitute a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Siena College complies with Title III of the American with Disabilities Act. Siena College will make reasonable accommodations for all students with disabilities, including food allergies.

Siena College has developed a standardized process to assist individuals with food allergies. The process takes into account each individual’s particular dietary requirements. Our goal is to provide individuals with food allergies the resources they need to be active in the management of their allergy.

B. Procedures:

Students with special requests due to a food allergy are strongly encouraged to make the College aware of these needs as early as possible when they begin their studies. The following procedure must be followed.

  1. Students must contact the Director of Health Services to request the following form: Meal Plan Modification Due to Medical Circumstances.
  2. Students must provide current and appropriate medical documentation to support their request for a meal plan accommodation that is completed by the student’s physician.
  3. Students will be required to meet with the Director of Dining Services and Registered Dietitian to discuss their needs and learn of the food options available to them. At this meeting the following will be discussed:
    • a. Diet history of foods that can and cannot be tolerated
    • b. All of the food options and allergy-alternative food products
    • c. Introduction to the dining hall staff that will be working with student
  4. The students request for a meal plan accommodation and the information from the students meeting with the Director of Dining Service/Registered Dietician will be reviewed by the College Accommodation Committee for a determination and individualized care plan for the student.
  5. Students with food allergies must update any changes in their medical condition with the Director of Health Services in a timely manner. The Director of Health Services will also notify the Director of Office of Accessibility and the Director of Dining Services of the modifications in medical conditions.
C. Responsibilities of Dining Services:
  1. Provide students with food allergies with allergy free food alternatives along with the nutritional and product information needed to be active in the management of their allergy.
  2. Provide individual counseling with a registered dietitian and/or the Director of dining services.
  3. Facilitate regular training for dining services staff on food allergies and take precautions to prevent cross- contamination.
  4. Post signs at point-of-sale alerting students to foods containing major food allergens and at specific serving locations.
  5. Offer allergen free foods for catered events at the College upon request.
D. Responsibilities of Students with Food Allergies Students will:
  1. Carry with them and use an Epi-Pen in an event of an allergic reaction. Students are responsible for ensuring their Epi-Pens have not expired.
  2. Recognize symptoms of an allergic reaction, know how and when to tell someone and how to access emergency services at the College.
  3. Notify roommates about their food allergies.
  4. Adhere to the procedures outlined in this policy regarding notification to the College, including meeting with the Director of Dining Services and the Registered Dietitian.
  5. Ask managers rather than servers of dining facilities about food contents, ingredients and nutrition facts or any general dietary need.
  6. Avoid unsafe foods or any food item for which the content is unknown.
  7. Familiarize themselves with the daily menus and signs posted regarding allergens.
  8. Students may contact the Title IX Coordinator/Equal Opportunity Specialist should they wish to discuss or file a complaint about any aspect of Siena’s operations/policies/procedures or about the actions of any student, visitor or employee of the College. The Title IX Coordinator/EOS also serves as the individual to contact should a student wish to appeal a decision by Health Services, the Counseling Center or the Office of Accessibility related to an accommodation.
E. Important Contact Information:
  1. Director of Health Services (518) 783-2554
  2. Director of Dining Services (518) 783-2523
  3. Director of Accessibility (518) 783-4239
  4. Registered Dietitian (518) 783.-2513
  5. Dean of Students (518) 783-2328
  6. Title IX Coordinator/Equal Opportunity Specialist (518) 782-6673