Policy Title Faculty Office Hours
Type or category of Policy: Administrative/Departmental Policies
Approval Authority: Provost and Senior Vice President
Responsible Executive: Provost and Senior Vice President, Deans of Academic Schools
Responsible Office: Academic Affairs, Deans Offices
Owner Contact: AcademicAffairs@Siena.edu
Reviewed By: Provost and Deans
Reviewed Date: 26 April 2023
Last Revised and Effective Date of Revision: 26 April 2023 

*Brief Overview of the Policy

Specifies the minimum number of hours faculty and administrators who teach courses should be available to meet with students outside of class and the modalities they may use.

Reason for Policy

Policy is designed to assure that faculty are available to meet with students outside of class time.

This revision is necessary because the current language does not reflect the availability of virtual office hours and the new types of faculty covered by Collective Bargaining Agreements.

Scope of the Policy: Entities or Individuals affected by this policy

  • All members of the faculty or administration of Siena College who teach courses both in person and online
  • Deans, directors, chairs, and department heads

The Official Policy

Full-time faculty members are expected to be available a minimum of five hours each week for conferences with students. These hours may not include “Free Periods” (MWF 12:40-1:50 p.m.). Office hours delivered via zoom can count for up to one half of the required weekly office hours. In addition to notifying students, faculty should provide a copy of their office hours to the school offices so that the school summary can be compiled.

Part-time faculty should be available for student consultations at least one hour per week for each three (3) contact hour course they are teaching. Office hours may be held before and after class or at other scheduled times during the week and may be held via zoom. Students and the school office should be notified of the faculty member’s office hours at the beginning of the semester.

Adopted: Unknown (Prior to 2015)

Reviewed: Spring 2023

Revised: 26 April 2023.