
With an increasing emphasis on STEM and the role technology plays in our lives, you may be wondering: Is English a good major? 

Maybe you love literature and or writing comes naturally, but we hear from many students—and their parents—who worry about job prospects with an English degree.

Ready for the great news?

Technology is creating demand for people who can think critically and communicate effectively—some of the same skills you hone as an English Major.

In fact, in an article for, author Mary Mapes says it's time to "think different
 about hiring in tech, arguing in favor of hiring an English Major over an MBA.

She says the analytical, logical thinking that drives technology, specially start-ups—requires a healthy dose of creative thinking and flexibility to be successful. Someone has to think outside the box and actually sell an idea, which are both skills an English major can deliver. 

While some degrees can provide more concrete career paths, the flexibility of an English major is also what makes it so attractive (and, with the right attitude, so marketable).

Today, every industry needs content, and your English classes are the perfect preparation. 

So, what kind of job can you get with an English degree?

An English major could take you to:

...conferences around the country. After Covid kept people home for more than two years, companies are looking to get back in the trade show game. Anyone with a product or service to sell or clients to court needs writers to create sales materials and cohesive presentations for trade shows, conventions and in-person client pitches. 

...the frontlines in reshaping our nation's healthcare system. The global pandemic shed light on the importance of public health. With $7.4 billion being spent over the next few years to bolster the underfunded, understaffed local, state, tribal and territorial health departments around the United States, the National Association of Colleges and Employers predicts public health is going to need an infusion of new workers. From public information officers to community health workers, there's demand for strong communication skills.

...Virtually any Fortune 500 company. Big Four accounting firms, management consulting companies, household name consumer products manufacturers—you name it, they all need technical writers, proposal writers, marketers and public relations specialist. You could end up riding the same elevator at work as your friends who majored in business administration. 

...the White House! Or the office of another government official or candidate who needs a speechwriter, political strategist or spokesperson to research and draft remarks, talk to reporters or figure out campaign messaging. 

...Hollywood! Of those who work in the entertainment industry (but bypassed film school), English is an overwhelmingly common college major among screenwriters, TV writers, producers and directors. 

...the desk of your choosing. Remote work and freelancing is more acceptable today, creating new opportunities for a career as a freelance writer, copywriter, content creator, or novelist. Or consider careers in publishing to edit and perfect other writers' work. 

...graduate school. If you decide you want to pursue higher-level degrees, an English background shows that you are a critical thinker, are well read, can make a reasoned argument and express yourself. Trust us: English majors stand out when applying to law school, business school, medical school or competitive graduate programs in the humanities. 

Ready to explore all the possible paths that an English degree experience at Siena can present to you? Start your first reading assignment