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Elizabeth Vogel is joining the Siena College Department of Biology as a Visiting Instructor of Biology after teaching as an adjunct for several years. She holds an MS in Biodiversity, Conservation and Policy from the University at Albany, SUNY, and a BS in Biology from Le Moyne College. Her graduate research focuses on the multitrophic effects of herbivory on plant species in the Albany Pine Bush. She has held professional positions in biomaterial research and quality management, as well as technical writing, data coordination, and science education. She has taught courses at the University at Albany, SUNY, and at The College of Saint Rose. In her free time, she enjoys exploring the beautiful local landscapes with family. 

Degree Program University
M.S. State University of New York at Albany

My Siena Experience

My Teaching Philosophy

 It is my opinion that learning happens best when the process is exciting, positive, and upbeat. I believe that creating an open, inclusive classroom where students feel comfortable to share their thoughts and questions is critical to a deeper learning experience. I hold a high bar for academic performance, and provide consistent support and feedback to nurture student success. I approach students with the utmost respect for their unique personhood, experiences, and learning journey. I support students through challenges through providing mentorship, feedback, and referrals to academic resources for additional support. 

What I Love About Siena

Siena is a supportive, welcoming community of dedicated educators who truly care about each student and their academic success. 

My Favorite Courses to Teach

I love teaching General Biology courses because there is such a diverse array of subject matter and techniques explored

My Professional Experience

Year Title Organization
2019 - 2023 Instructor Siena College
2018 - 2021 Instructor The College at Saint Rose
2012 - 2017 Quality Manager Ecovative Design
2009 - 2012 Instructor The University at Albany, SUNY
2007 - 2009 Clinical Data Coordinator Gynecological Oncology Group, Roswell Park Cancer Institute

Current Research

My research experience includes both academic research and private, product-facing R&D. My graduate research examined the effects that excessive herbivory has on detritus and the corresponding soil chemistry and subsequent invertebrate populations. I have also led numerous industrial research projects focused on the growth and mechanical properties of fungi.