Policy Title Cell Phone Usage in Calsses and Examinations
Type or category of Policy: College/Administrative/Departmental Academic Policy
Approval Authority: Vice President for Academic Affairs
Responsible Executive: Vice President for Academic Affairs
Responsible Office: Office of Vice President for Academic Affairs
Owner Contact: Vice President for Academic Affairs
Margaret Madden   518-783-2307
Reviewed By: Margaret Madden
Reviewed Date: 6-29-18
Last Revised and Effective Date of Revision: 6-29-18

The Official Policy

Use of cellular phones or any other electronic communication devices for any purpose during a class or exam session is prohibited by Siena College, unless expressly permitted by the instructor. Because of the college’s Siena Alert System. In order to ensure notification by a text message, faculty members should leave one phone (faculty or student) “on” during class.

Reason for Policy

To allow faculty members to define appropriate cell phone use in their classes and related activities.

Scope of the Policy: Entities or Individuals affected by this policy

▪ All course instructors.

Adopted: October 19, 2012.

Reviewed: June 29, 2018

Revised: June 29, 2018