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Degree Program University
Ph.D. University of Michigan
B.A. Wesleyan University

My Siena Experience

My Favorite Courses to Teach

 Classical Mechanics
Quantum Mechanics

I love teaching these classes because they offer the opportunity to synthesize so much knowledge that students have seen in many piror classes, as well as presenting excitning new perspectives.

My Professional Experience

Year Title Organization
2012 - Now Associate Professor Siena College
2003 - 2003 Research Asst. Prof University of Nebraska - Lincoln
2003 - 2012 Assistant Professor, Physics Siena College
2000 - 2002 Postdoctoral Researcher University of Nebraska - Lincoln

Current Research

 Atomic and Molecular Physics

My interests are in atomic and molecular physics.  Most of the work I do in my Siena lab studies the polarization (spin) of alkali atoms when they are optically pumped by near infrared lasers.  The goal is to use tricks such as hybrid pumping to achieve better polarizations, in support of the development of an electron spin filter.  I also collaborate with researchers at Wesleyan University to study collisions in lithium dimers.  

Articles & Book Reviews

  • Comparing collisional rate constants for pulsed and cw lasers
    Chemical Physics Letters, vol. 523
  • Pressure Broadening of the Li 2s-3d transition by Ne and Ar
    Journal of Physics B: Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics, vol. 44
  • A study of radiation trapping in rubidium optical pumping at low buffer gas pressures
    Phys. Rev
  • Noble gas pressure broadening of 7Li 2s- 3s transition
    Journal of Physics B: Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics
  • Experimental studies of light propagation and storage in warm atomic gases
    J. Phys. B
  • Spin-exchange-induced circularly polarized molecular fluorescence
    Phys. Rev
  • Light storage with light of arbitrary polarization
    Phys. Rev.
  • Atomic electric dipole moment measured using spin exchange pumped masers of 129Xe and 3He
    Phys. Rev.
  • Improved frequency stability of the dual-noble-gas maser
    Phys. Rev
  • Demonstration of a two species noble gas maser
    Phys. Rev. Lett